Firewalls: how important are they?

In this digital age, the need for data security is greater than ever before. Cybercrime is growing more prevalent every year; a single attack cost U.S. companies a median of $18,000 USD in 2022, up from $10,000 USD in 2021. Organizations must take the necessary steps to ensure the safety of their data from cyber-attacks - and one of the most effective methods of protection is the implementation of firewalls.

Firewalls act as a filter, allowing only approved data to pass through, while blocking malicious or unwanted traffic. They are essential in protecting user data as they are able to detect and prevent unauthorized access to networks and systems, as well as malware attacks.

What are firewalls?

Firewalls are software or hardware-based virtual barriers that prevent unauthorized access to networks and systems, as well as prevent malware attacks.

The firewall is the primary security barrier protecting an organization's systems from external threats. It also protects internal resources, such as business applications, data, and networks from offsite threats such as viruses, cyber-attacks, and other misuse and unauthorized access.

How does a firewall work?

An outside firewall blocks all incoming network traffic, while allowing only necessary outgoing traffic. A proxy server inside the network is used to filter and control the data flow. This filtering is done at the application layer, which is the responsibility of the software running on the server and the application.

Applications on the server are responsible for verifying that data coming in is authorized data. If the request contains data that is not authorized, the application will reject it.

The proxy server located inside the network is responsible for filtering the data. It analyzes the data and decides if it is allowed to go through or not. The proxy server can have different settings for each user so that only certain people can see certain stuff. It can also act as a bridge between the internal network and the Internet.

Why are firewalls important?

Firewalls are extremely important in today's data-driven society. As digital content becomes more prevalent, the security of that content becomes increasingly important. In order to protect your data, you will need a firewall to protect your computer from possible attacks from cybercriminals and malicious actors who want to gain access to your sensitive information.

Once your data leaves the safety of your computer, it's vulnerable to being accessed, altered, and stolen by anyone with access to the network. This is why it's so important to protect your data with a firewall, which will protect your computer from malicious attacks and will help to keep data from leaving your computer.

Types of firewalls

Network firewall: The most basic firewall. It simply allows or blocks network traffic based on the source and/or destination address. Network firewalls block all incoming and outgoing traffic, but allow certain applications to pass through.

Application firewall: Used to protect network applications and data. It blocks unauthorized traffic that might attempt to access network resources, and unauthorized traffic to applications.

Stateful inspection firewall: Protects against application-layer attacks. It is based on a stateful inspection engine, which is responsible for filtering the traffic. Stateful inspection engines are advanced and can look for many different types of attacks.

Packet-filtering firewall: Examines the headers of incoming packets, and based on the criteria specified in the firewall rules, decides whether to allow or deny the packet to pass through the firewall.

Next-generation firewall: Designed to protect against malicious attacks, malware, and other cyber threats. They can also be used to control user access to networks and applications, as well as monitor network activity for suspicious activity.

Common firewall mistakes

Using the wrong type of firewall for the situation is a common mistake organizations make. While application and device firewalls are important, they are not typically used in large networks unless they are part of a larger security strategy. Many companies use network firewalls to protect the network, while device firewalls are used to protect individual devices.

Other common firewall errors include:

  • Using public Wi-Fi networks to connect to corporate networks.
  • Using old, outdated software on the firewall.
  • Not having a firewall policy or business continuity plan in place.
  • Forgetting to audit firewalls regularly.
  • Not verifying that the firewall is properly configured.
  • Not patching or updating the firewall.


Find the right firewall for your business needs with expert help

Firewalls are a critical part of any secure computer system, providing a security barrier between the internal network and any outside connection, and they should be configured correctly and updated regularly.

The cybersecurity specialists at BCS365 can audit your company's infrastructure and IT environment, recommend the ideal type of firewall for your requirements, deploy the solution, and fully manage your IT environment's cybersecurity needs for maximum protection. Talk to them today and ensure your business has the right defenses in place.

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